Monday Challenge - Who Would You Rather Babysit Your Children? Karnak or Gorgon?
Ah...the return of the old shticks!!
Today's challenge is a question of who would you prefer to let babysit your children between these two Inhumans...

or Gorgon

Who would you choose?
Today's challenge is a question of who would you prefer to let babysit your children between these two Inhumans...

or Gorgon

Who would you choose?
Karnak! He knows my childrens' weak points and he's less likely to be tricked by them!
I'm going with Karnak, too. He have discipline, is a lot more rational than Gorgon, not mention a lot smarter and he could my kids with their homework.
Speaking up for Gorgon, at least he's had some experience. He has a teenage daughter (as seen in the Marvel Knights FF series recently). Does Karnak have any kids. If not, I can easily see Karnak being too inflexible to be a good babysitter.
Yeah, Gorgon really deserves the "Father of the Year" award... How could trust someone that exposed his own daughter time and time again to the Terrigen Mists just because he didn't want her to be weak?
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