Name that JJJ Artist! - Day Six
For the first volume of Amazing Spider-Man, there were forty pencillers (not counting Don Heck pencilling Romita's breakdwons). Twenty-nine of them drew J. Jonah Jameson at least once. Here is a list of the 11 other pencillers who never drew J. Jonah Jameson.
Guess which penciller drew this J. Jonah Jameson!

Answers on May 23rd!
Guess which penciller drew this J. Jonah Jameson!

Answers on May 23rd!
Gil Kane?
John Romita Sr. though I'm almost tempted to say one of the Buscemas
Sal Buscema. I'm positive.
That's Sal Buscema before he started his 'razor-sharp angles' period.
If it is one of the Buscemas I'd say it was John rather than Sal. The problem is that Romita Sr. and John Buscema traded inking and penciling roles back and forth for a few issues so I can't really tell who did what here.
(Feel free to discount either of these comments now if this sort of thing is against the rules)
Romita Sr.
I thought I left the sam ecooment here last week--I believe these guys are right (Well he ones who said Sal Buscema)
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