Top Five Members of Power Pack
Yes, you thought it could never be done, but here it is - the top five Power Pack members!!!
5. Franklin Richards.

Let's be honest here. Franklin was pretty much a pity member of the team. Nothing WRONG with that, but that was why he was around, because the rest of the team felt bad for him.
He DID help them in #50!
4. Julie Power

I like ALL the Powers, but Julie is probably my least favorite. She just seems a bit too boring.
3. Alex Power

Alex has more plots about him, so that makes up for the fact that he probably has less personality than Julie even!
2. Jack Power

Jack is a really interesting character, and a lot of the drama in the books come from Jack's personality. I also liked how he took Alex's powers and made them much more powerful. Also, I loved the parodies they would do where he would be like Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes.
1. Katie Power

Katie rules because she appeared in the Uncanny X-Men issue with Wolverine, where he was being attacked by the Reavers. Her personality was SO important to the greatness of that issue. In addition, look at how cool of a thing it was that Katie, this little girl, has DESTRUCTION powers!!! Isn't that the neatest thing? Very clever.
So, do you all disagree?
Any Julie and Alex fans out there think they are being shortchanged?
(Photos courtesy of this neat Power Pack site.
5. Franklin Richards.
Let's be honest here. Franklin was pretty much a pity member of the team. Nothing WRONG with that, but that was why he was around, because the rest of the team felt bad for him.
He DID help them in #50!
4. Julie Power
I like ALL the Powers, but Julie is probably my least favorite. She just seems a bit too boring.
3. Alex Power
Alex has more plots about him, so that makes up for the fact that he probably has less personality than Julie even!
2. Jack Power
Jack is a really interesting character, and a lot of the drama in the books come from Jack's personality. I also liked how he took Alex's powers and made them much more powerful. Also, I loved the parodies they would do where he would be like Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes.
1. Katie Power
Katie rules because she appeared in the Uncanny X-Men issue with Wolverine, where he was being attacked by the Reavers. Her personality was SO important to the greatness of that issue. In addition, look at how cool of a thing it was that Katie, this little girl, has DESTRUCTION powers!!! Isn't that the neatest thing? Very clever.
So, do you all disagree?
Any Julie and Alex fans out there think they are being shortchanged?
(Photos courtesy of this neat Power Pack site.
I always liked Power Pack. I think you're dissing Franklin, though. I do love Katie, though. She was pretty awesome!
Thanks for making me think about the Pack!
I always liked the fact that the kids' power levels were in inverse proportion to their age. (And why I hated it when they switched their powers around, because then it broke that inverse symmetry.)
The thing about julie is that she was pretty smart, so she deserves a few more kudos there for figuring shit out for the team.
"I think you're dissing Franklin"
Just trying to be honest here.
I mean, why DID they let him join?
"Thanks for making me think about the Pack!"
You're welcome!
"I always liked the fact that the kids' power levels were in inverse proportion to their age. (And why I hated it when they switched their powers around, because then it broke that inverse symmetry.)"
As bad as the FIRST switch was (and yes, it was really bad, with the whole "let's give them powers that 'make sense' for their age level), the THIRD switch was the WORST!!
Remember the third switch?
Where {GASP} of course the rainbow powers couldn't go to a BOY, so they just went back to Julie!
That was so lame.
"The thing about julie is that she was pretty smart, so she deserves a few more kudos there for figuring shit out for the team."
That's the thing, though.
I get that that was what was SUPPOSED to be her "thing," but she never seemed to actually, you know, USE IT! :)
Marc Sumerak addresses this in the latest X-Men/Power Pack, though.
Friday doesn't even get an honorable mention?
I used to love Power Pack. I'm still kind of disapointed that when Marvel did the whole M2 thing with Spider-Girl, they didn't have the Fantastic Five be the grown up Power Pack.
I liked it when Alex stole the other kids' powers and sneaked out to join The New Warriors.
Was that comic the only time any of The Pack used Jack's density power to effectively teleport?
And grown-up Katie in those X-Men cross-over annuals (Scattershot? Something like that...) was fun, too.
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