Snark Free Cover Theme Game for 12/21
Okay, here's the covers. Remember, they all have something in common, whether it be a character, locale, creator, SOMEthing. And it isn't something obvious like "They all have prices!" "They all have logos!" "They all feature a man!" etc.



Let's see some guesses!



Let's see some guesses!
Well, the first two issues are the first appearances of bad guys who went on to become kinda-sorta conflicted good-guys. I don't think any of Lois' new supporting cast introduced in the third issue went on to anything that interesting, but maybe someone did something with Marsha Mallow I don't know about.
Does each issue feature a breakup? The Lois Lane issue features Lois throwing Superman to the curb, and the second issue, IIRC, has Johnny Storm's girlfriend dumping him. I would guess that perhaps Peter and Felicia came to a screeching halt in the Punisher issue?
Oddly enough, I have not yet gotten to the point where I am asking people to guess based on the interior of the comic.
Only the covers.
But soon I probably will have to go to the interiors, when I run out of cover gimmicks...hehe.
There are no backgrounds in the main scene on each cover... right?
Three exclamation points in the bottom-of-the-cover blurb?
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