Snark Free Cover Theme Day for 12/8
Okay, here's the covers. Remember, they all have something in common, whether it be a character, locale, creator, SOMEthing. And it isn't something obvious like "They all have prices!" "They all have logos!" "They all feature a man!" etc.
Let's see some guesses!!
EDITED to change the third cover, because the "they all have wings on their costumes" answer was close. I don't think it applied, but to be safe, I put up a new image.



Let's see some guesses!!
EDITED to change the third cover, because the "they all have wings on their costumes" answer was close. I don't think it applied, but to be safe, I put up a new image.
They all have costumes with wings.
They all have mutants on the cover?
When do we find out the answers to these things? Do they just hang out in the ether waiting for someone to guess correctly?
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