Here they are, in all their glory!!! Also, all the people who named the artist!! (If someone said that they guessed the answer based on someone else's guess, I noted that ...although only if they actually said they got their answer by the first person - I trust you folks!)
Day One -
Ron Garney
Guessed by Matt Little, T., Christian, Tim Callahan, Carlo, Strangefan and Al from Italy.
Day Two -
Mark Bagley
Guessed by Ken Robinson, JR, Carlo, Strangefan, Gary Smith and Al from Italy.
Day Three -
Joe Bennett
Guessed by Ken Robinson, Gary Smith and Al from Italy.
Day Four -
Keith Pollard
Guessed by MJ, Tim Callahan, Carlo and Al from Italy.
Day Five -
Bob Mcleod
Guessed by Ken Robinson, MJ, JR, Tim Callahan (seemingly inspired by Ken) and Carlo.
Day Six -
Ross Andru
Surprisingly guessed by nobody (heavy inks by Romita, I guess).
Day Seven -
Rich Leonardi
Guessed by nobody.
Day Eight -
Jeff Johnson
Guessed by Al from Italy.
Day Nine -
Steve Ditko
Guessed by TheChrisExperience, MJ, Ken Robinson, JR, Tim Callahan, stephen cade, Gary Smith and Al from Italy.
Day Ten -
Scott Kolins
Guessed by nobody.
Day Eleven -
John Byrne
Guessed by MJ and Al from Italy.
Day Twelve -
Gil Kane
Guessed by T and JR, inspired by T.
Day Thirteen -
Tom Morgan
I will give T. credit for this one, though, as Kupperberg drew half of this issue, and even though I'm pretty darn positive that this particular part of the comic was handled by Morgan, I cannot be 100% sure, so I'll give T. credit for his guess of Alan Kupperberg.
Guessed by T.
Day Fourteen -
Todd McFarlane
Guessed by Ken Robinson, Tim Callahan, Gary Smith, Al from Italy and an anonymous person (which sorta defeats the purpose, no?).
Day Fifteen -
Steve Skroce
Guessed by Matt Brady, Ken Robinson, Matt Little, Tim Callahan, JR, Gary Smith and Al from Italy.
Day Sixteen -
Al Milgrom
Guessed by nobody.
Day Seventeen -
Bob Hall
Guessed by T. and Al from Italy.
Day Eighteen -
Tom Lyle
Guessed by Russ, Gary Smith and Al from Italy.
Day Nineteen -
Sal Buscema
Guessed by MJ and Al from Italy.
Day Twenty -
John Romita, Jr.
Guessed by Russ, T. and Al from Italy.
Day Twenty-One -
Jim Mooney
Guessed by nobody.
Day Twenty-Two -
Jerry Bingham
Guessed by JR and Al from Italy.
Day Twenty-Three -
John Romita, Sr.
Guessed by MJ and Tim Callahan.
Day Twenty-Four -
Jim Starlin
Guessed by MJ and Al from Italy.
Day Twenty-Five-
Brett Breeding
Breeding did the pencils, but I missed that it was off Frenz's layouts, so that's a bit unfair, so I am giving credit just to anyone who mentioned Breeding, so...
Guessed by T. and Al from Italy.
Day Twenty-Six -
Chris Marrinan
Guess by nobody.
Day Twenty-Seven-
Ron Frenz
Guessed by T. and Al from Italy (I presume Al meant his first guess).
Day Twenty-Eight -
Erik Larsen
Guessed by DanLarkin, Ken Robinson, JR, Matt Little, Tim Callahan, T., Carlo, Strangefan, Gary Smith and Al from Italy.
John Buscema
Guessed by T.
You all did REALLY well, the following just did a little MORE well...hehe.
HONORABLE MENTIONS to Ken Robinson, MJ and JR for seven correct apiece.
With eight correct - Tim Callahan!
With nine correct - T!
With eighteen correct - Al from Italy!
Congrats, folks!
Hope you all had fun!!